The importance of extracurricular activities can never be underestimated in our lives. Extracurricular activities in child development can be the best way to prepare a child for the future.
A lot of people have been going through tough times. With the rise of mental health issues and the high rates of anxiety, depression, and suicide, it’s hard to know what to do.
But there are some ways that you can help yourself, your friends, and your family members. One way is by learning about yourself and finding a new activity that you like!
Are Extracurricular Activities Important for University
Most universities consider applicants with unique extracurricular activities to study in their schools. It is one of the things you will need if you want to study in the US.
In fact, extracurricular activities are one of the things schools like Harvard University consider before admitting students. If you are a student planning to study in the United States or the United Kingdom, it is highly recommended that you participate in extracurricular activities if you want to be accepted.
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Here are some activities that may be challenging for you at first but will grow you in the long run.
What are the Challenging Extracurricular Activities?
There are a lot of unique extracurricular activities examples, but in this post, I will be mentioning only 6 extracurricular activities.
So, the unavoidable question here is what are the 6 extracurricular activities?
1. Learn a Language: Learning a new language is challenging and can be hard at first. But by going through the process of learning the language, you’ll start to understand it. And when you do, you’ll feel much more accomplished and confident in your understanding of a different culture.
2. Learn How to Code: coding may seem intimidating at first, but it’s become such an important skill for business professionals. Plus, with the rise of technology and its popularity, now is a good time to learn about coding so you don’t get left behind.
3. Take up Photography: Whether you take pictures of nature or portraits or architecture, learning how to take photos will grow your creativity and teach you patience in editing your images.
4. Try Stand-up Comedy: Stand-up comedy may seem like the last thing that would challenge someone – but it really does! You have to come up with your jokes on the spot without any preparation! But once you get over that initial hurdle, it becomes easier and more natural to come up with material on your own as well as think quickly on your feet.
5. Train for an Obstacle Course Race: If running isn’t challenging enough for you anymore, try training for an obstacle course race! These events are great because they offer something new while also incorporating old skills that people already have!
6. Practice Improv Theater: Improv theater definitely requires some bravery because you’re going into new situations not knowing what’s going on.
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What to do when you’re Feeling Overwhelmed
Sometimes, when we are feeling overwhelmed, we just want to be left alone. But in reality, that’s not always the best thing for us. It may make us feel worse because it can reinforce our feelings of isolation.
Instead, find an activity that you like and do it on your own. Or find something to do with a friend or with a group of friends. Or even try to make new friends! Sometimes just being around other people is enough to boost our moods and give us the energy we need to move forward.

How This List Of Extracurricular Activities Can Help
The following list has 6 different activities that may seem challenging at first but will grow you in the long run. These are activities to try when you’re feeling down and need a change of pace. All of these things can help improve your mental health, so it’s worth giving them a shot.
#1: Join a Club
Joining a club is one of the best ways to get involved with something new if you’re feeling bored or lonely. Clubs are everywhere and can have anything from running clubs to coffee clubs to book clubs. Joining a club is all about finding something that interests you and then getting involved, whether it be for an hour every week or for several hours each month. It’ll help keep your mind occupied, which will help with feelings of depression and loneliness.
#2: Take up a Hobby
One way to find happiness is by learning about yourself and what interests you. And taking up a hobby is one way to do this! Taking up any kind of hobby can be beneficial for your mental health since it’ll force you to spend time on something that makes you happy instead of focusing on how miserable life feels right now. And hobbies are also great because they’ll provide an escape from reality that might feel necessary right now.
#3: Learn Something New
Taking the time to learn something new can be difficult, especially when life seems too busy right now, but it’s important not to put off this task until “later.” This is
It’s tough to know what to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Whether it’s work, a relationship, or just life in general, it can be hard to find any time to step back and process, which is why it’s so important to have a list of activities that will challenge you.
You might not have time for all of these, but hopefully, the ones you do choose will help you grow in some way.